Aquatechnik Pool Filter Cleaning Service insures the filtration system is sustaining a healthy pool, the filter plays a pivotal role in keeping your pool’s water fresh and clean. Sparkling water requires a well-balanced trio of sanitation, filtration, and circulation.

There are three types of filters, Diatomaceous Earth (D.E.), Cartridge and Sand filters, all of which are all designed to remove oils, dirt and debris from pool water.

D.E. Filter Service
D.E. filters contain diatomaceous earth, a specialized white powder that filters very small particles. There are two methods of cleaning D.E. filters, including backwashing as provided in both of Aquatechnik premium service plans. We recommend the total disassembly of D.E. filters, cleaning and inspecting each grid thoughly at least twice a year. Each pool is different based on varying factors.

Cartridge Filter Service
In cartridge filters, pool water circulates through cartridges of fibrous material, which can be removed, rinsed, and soaked in a cleaning agent. The routine cleaning of cartridges in cartridge filters is strongly recommended every 3 months.

Sand Filter Service
A Sand filter, filters pool water through layers of sand, where dirt and grease particles are retained. The filter itself is cleaned by a backwashing, this lifts the particles collected, raises the sand bed, and provides a thorough cleaning. Proper maintenance procedures mandate that the sand in sand filters be replaced every three to five years; more often with increased pool use.

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